Colin’s Blog

A C++ Programmer

UCSD CSE 230 Midterm Review Note


Programs are expressions e (also called λ-terms) of one of three kinds:

  • Variable
    • x, y, z
  • Abstraction (aka nameless function definition)
    • (\x -> e)
    • x is the formal parameter, e is the body
    • “for any x compute e”
  • Application (aka function call)
    • (e1 e2)
    • e1 is the function, e2 is the argument
    • in your favorite language: e1(e2)

Execute = rewrite step-by-step

  • Following simple rules
  • until no more rules apply

An variable x is free in e if there exists a free occurrence of x in e.

If e has no free variables it is said to be closed.

Closed expressions are also called combinators

What is the shortest closed expression? \x->x

Rewrite Rules of Lambda Calculus

β-step (aka function call) α-step (aka renaming formals)

Semantics: Redex A redex is a term of the form

(\x -> e1) e2

A function (\x -> e1)

  • x is the parameter
  • e1 is the returned expression Applied to an argument e2
  • e2 is the argument

Semantics: β-Reduction

A redex b-steps to another term …

(\x -> e1) e2 =b> e1[x := e2]

where e1[x := e2] means

“e1 with all free occurrences of x replaced with e2” and as long as no free variables of e2 get captured

Computation by search-and-replace:

  • If you see an abstraction applied to an argument, take the body of the abstraction and replace all free occurrences of the formal by that argument

  • We say that (\x -> e1) e2 β-steps to e1[x := e2]

Semantics: α-Renaming

\x -> e =a> \y -> e[x := y] where not (y in FV(e))

  • We rename a formal parameter x to y
  • By replace all occurrences of x in the body with y
  • We say that \x -> e α-steps to \y -> e[x := y]

Recall redex is a λ-term of the form

(\x -> e1) e2

A λ-term is in normal form if it contains no redexes.

Semantics: Evaluation A λ-term e evaluates to e’ if

  1. There is a sequence of steps e =?> e_1 =?> … =?> e_N =?> e' where each =?> is either =a> or =b> and N >= 0

  2. e’ is in normal form

So the result of a evaluation must be a normal form!!!


Named λ-terms:

let ID = \x -> x – abbreviation for \x -> x

To substitute name with its definition, use a =d> step:

ID apple =d> (\x -> x) apple – expand definition =b> apple – beta-reduce


  • e1 =*> e2: e1 reduces to e2 in 0 or more steps
    • where each step is =a>, =b>, or =d>
  • e1 =~> e2: e1 evaluates to e2 and e2 is in normal form